Konferencja poświęcona Terapii Skoncentrowanej na Przeniesieniu – Barcelona

30.09.2018 odbyła się piąta Światowa Konferencja Psychoterapii Skoncentrowanej na Przeniesieniu. Była to kolejna możliwość wysłuchania wykładów między innymi Otto Kernberga, Gerhard Dammann’a, Stephan Doering, Frank Yeomans jak i wymiany myśli z psychoterapeutami z wielu krajów zarówno Europy jak i świata.

W tym niecodziennym wydarzeniu brał udział Piotr Mrozowski, a swoje wrażenia miał okazję przedstawić na jednym ze spotkań Opolskiego Oddziału Polskiego Towarzystwa Psychoterapii Psychodynamicznej.

5th World Conference of Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP)

The 5th Congress of the International Society of Transference Focused Psychotherapy (ISTFP) was in the Catalan capital, from September 30 to October 2, where attended more than 300 experts from around the world interested in the new discoveries related to Transference Focused Psychotherapy (TFP). This type of psychotherapy is psychoanalytically oriented, developed by Professor Otto Kernberg that is based on the theory of object relationships. Its fundamental objective is a greater integration of the patient’s identity and a significant improvement of the functionalities in the different areas of life, both affective-relational and social life and work.

In addition to the successful participation, with professionals from 24 different countries and the 5 continents, we have to outstand the quality of the different papers presented, as well as the excellent organization of the conference carried out by the Local Organizing Committee formed by professionals of the Grup-TLP Barcelona and chaired by Dr. Joan Vegué (Vice-president of the Grup-TLP Barcelona).

Apart from the participation in the different committees of the ISTFP (training, research, psychiatric services, adolescence, public relations and ethics) it is worth mentioning the great reception of the two pre-conference training workshops organized by the Grup-TLP: Introduction to the TFP (Dr. Joan Vegué and Dr. Luis Valenciano) and Introduction to TFP Adolescents (Teresa Ribalta, Alfons Icart and Brenda Tarragona).